Fortress.dll or PrivateHacks112b.dll? find out here.
First of your going to need the hacks. Go to the top and use 1.12 hacks page for it. First this will be like Judgement Day on G4TV saying hits and misses and crap.
This hack does emulate some good and bad features. Lets go into detail
The readme is nicely done.
[From Permaphost's view]
| Insert: Maphack
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This was NOT created by me - all credit goes to
| Zynastor for this. It is a 3-state maphack and it's
| activated by pressing the insert button.
This contains SOME graphical glitches in SOME maps. Nicely done 8/10
| F6: Unit Suicide
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This will kill any of your units you have selected.
I hate this. No point. You really needa be careful when using this. I killed my Nexuz 5 times with 2 days of using. 0.5/10
| F7: Lag Defender
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This toggles between on and off so if you want to
| see who's lagging you can. If not then you can
| look around while someone lags.
This is pretty nifty. When it says Lag Defender OFF that means you cant see the box. Shouldnt it be reversed? 7/10
| F8: Instant Drop
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This will set the drop timer to 0 so you can drop
| them instantly. *works 80% of the time.
No point. Never will work. Basicly a 1% chance. Because, it does not submit too server. 4/10 <-- still a nice feature.
| F9: Color Hack
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This toggles between on and off so that you can
| use your numbers, or use colors. Once activated
| use numbers 0-9 to use the colors.
I hate this also. I hate typing one two three four five six seven eight nine zero. Still good feature if you cAn get over the keys. 6/10
| F11: 0x0c Crash
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Simply select the person you wish to drop with
| the a lly chat menu, and press F11. Once they
| quit the game you will be able to crash them.
Don't know how to do it. it says the stupidiest thing. 0.5/10
| F12: AttackHoverIncomplete Crash
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| Select any one of your units, and press F12. This
| will cause everyone in the game except you to
| crash and see the "Attack Hover Incomplete" error.
| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*By Permaphrost
No need to explain. 8/10
| Save Game Crash
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| If you are host, simply enable the color hack and
| go to save game. Type any number and save the game.
Same as F12 one.
| Bypass Channel Restrictions
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This enables you to join forbidden channels. Go to
| the Channel menu and type the channel you want to
| enter. Click okay and you'll be in it.
No pont. 0/10
| Map Download Status
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This shows if a person has the map or not.
Good 7/10
| Stay Alive
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| This lets you stay in the game even after you die.
FUn to watch a game after. 9/10
| Start Game Without Opponent
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| With this you can play games without an opponent.
0/10 No need to explain
My avg:7/10
Private Hacks 1.12b.dll
By AgentGOD
Released by Fatman
F5 - Attack Hover Crash
F6 - Drone Float Hack
F7 - Unit Suicide
F8 - Mind Control Hack
F9 - Turn All Hacks Off
F11 - Lag Defender On
F12 - Lag Defender Off
Delete - Null Drop Timer
Damnnation has already been configured for privatehacks112.dll so just run damnnation, inject it and walah!
F5-Same as other 8/10
F6-Only good hack 9/10
F7-A better hotkey but still no point 0.5/10
F8-Never got it too work. Dont know what it does. 0/10
F9-Best part. :rofl2 10/10
Ill have to rate these two as one.
Final score