1.11 Charsi Dupe Hack

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Dec 20, 2004
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It's most likely fake, the price is way too low. Plus look at the game version, v .0?
Jul 10, 2005
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United States
or if the guys who is trying to sell it to you is a dick he will have an actual dupe program and dupe something for you and then sell you some fake bullshit


Aug 10, 2005
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ROFL u newb are all retarded i know the guy personaly and im his frnd im him at Far221b he makes programs and sell it AND U NEWBS ARE RETARDED U CANT SELL FAKE SHIT ON PAYPAL PAYPAL IS BACKED UP BY THE GOVERNMENT IF U DONT GET WUT U PAYED FOR THEN U CAN SUE THEM U ****IN NEWBS OMFG LEARN PAYPAL B4 U ****IN RUN UR MOUTH ABOUT SHIT U DONT ****IN KNOW GD ****IN NEWBS.... AND HE SELLS EM FOR 50$ ALSO THAT SHIT IS FAKE THE PIC UP THERE ROFL UR A ****IN RETARD THATS ON OPEN LMAO BECUZ FOR 1 TYREALS MIGHT SACRED ARMOR DOESNT EXIST NE MORE ON CLOSED BNET IT WAS TURNED INTO TEMPLERS MIGHT ****IN IDIOTS AND THE VERSION IS ALL ****ED UP ITS LIKE . 0 AND SHIT AND THERE ARE WORDS ON THE GROUND... THERE WAS ONLY 1 MOD THAT DID THAT CALLED SUPER GAME CHEAT MOD 2004 OR SUMTHING LIKE THAT AND THE STASH AND INVEN AND SHIT WERE EXPANDED BUT ONLY WORKED FOR OPEN AND SINGLE PLAYER (( it was still expanded *the inven and stash* for closed but if u put ne thing in those slots u got dropped... and u take huge steps so u run faster as shit but every1 sees u run normal and the words were on the groud but the mod didnt help with drops or ne thing and i know this becuz i personaly made that mod so now go kill ur selves now to save ur asses the humilleation when u guys find out that this kid is rich as **** becuz he duped shit on d2 and sold 5x 6bo ctas for 20 bucks .... i didnt buy the dupe program yet becuz i dont got a credit card for one and i dont got enough money i didnt get payed yet >.< ne ways i believe bout the dupe mod but these newbs dont know wtf they're talkin about and that screenshot is fake btw >.< he ran fake.1.11 on it : ) y u think the 0 in the version is all ****ed up? lol ne ways ok imma go now have fun gettin rich man

o yea btw the kids s/n that makes the programs is Far221b he uses AIM (@OL Instant Messanger)


May 8, 2005
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calm down? ne ways if you sell something on ebay theres some rule you dont even have to give them there s hit i think like it says any itmes you can hold or tuch or some shit like that i dono


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Under my bed (Spain)
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NothinButLuck said:
ROFL u newb are all retarded i know the guy personaly and im his frnd im him at Far221b he makes programs and sell it AND U NEWBS ARE RETARDED U CANT SELL FAKE SHIT ON PAYPAL PAYPAL IS BACKED UP BY THE GOVERNMENT IF U DONT GET WUT U PAYED FOR THEN U CAN SUE THEM U ****IN NEWBS OMFG LEARN PAYPAL B4 U ****IN RUN UR MOUTH ABOUT SHIT U DONT ****IN KNOW GD ****IN NEWBS.... AND HE SELLS EM FOR 50$ ALSO THAT SHIT IS FAKE THE PIC UP THERE ROFL UR A ****IN RETARD THATS ON OPEN LMAO BECUZ FOR 1 TYREALS MIGHT SACRED ARMOR DOESNT EXIST NE MORE ON CLOSED BNET IT WAS TURNED INTO TEMPLERS MIGHT ****IN IDIOTS AND THE VERSION IS ALL ****ED UP ITS LIKE . 0 AND SHIT AND THERE ARE WORDS ON THE GROUND... THERE WAS ONLY 1 MOD THAT DID THAT CALLED SUPER GAME CHEAT MOD 2004 OR SUMTHING LIKE THAT AND THE STASH AND INVEN AND SHIT WERE EXPANDED BUT ONLY WORKED FOR OPEN AND SINGLE PLAYER (( it was still expanded *the inven and stash* for closed but if u put ne thing in those slots u got dropped... and u take huge steps so u run faster as shit but every1 sees u run normal and the words were on the groud but the mod didnt help with drops or ne thing and i know this becuz i personaly made that mod so now go kill ur selves now to save ur asses the humilleation when u guys find out that this kid is rich as **** becuz he duped shit on d2 and sold 5x 6bo ctas for 20 bucks .... i didnt buy the dupe program yet becuz i dont got a credit card for one and i dont got enough money i didnt get payed yet >.< ne ways i believe bout the dupe mod but these newbs dont know wtf they're talkin about and that screenshot is fake btw >.< he ran fake.1.11 on it : ) y u think the 0 in the version is all ****ed up? lol ne ways ok imma go now have fun gettin rich man

o yea btw the kids s/n that makes the programs is Far221b he uses AIM (@OL Instant Messanger)


1) Leave the forums and come back on your 14th birthday, please
2) Tyrael's Might turns into Templar's Might? Newb
3) Yeah, nice job calling us newbs
4) Fake 1.11? Oh yeah, he plays on open so its version .0 ...
5) Die


Jul 25, 2005
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NothinButLuck said:
ROFL u newb are all retarded i know the guy personaly and im his frnd im him at Far221b he makes programs and sell it AND U NEWBS ARE RETARDED U CANT SELL FAKE SHIT ON PAYPAL PAYPAL IS BACKED UP BY THE GOVERNMENT IF U DONT GET WUT U PAYED FOR THEN U CAN SUE THEM U ****IN NEWBS OMFG LEARN PAYPAL B4 U ****IN RUN UR MOUTH ABOUT SHIT U DONT ****IN KNOW GD ****IN NEWBS.... AND HE SELLS EM FOR 50$ ALSO THAT SHIT IS FAKE THE PIC UP THERE ROFL UR A ****IN RETARD THATS ON OPEN LMAO BECUZ FOR 1 TYREALS MIGHT SACRED ARMOR DOESNT EXIST NE MORE ON CLOSED BNET IT WAS TURNED INTO TEMPLERS MIGHT ****IN IDIOTS AND THE VERSION IS ALL ****ED UP ITS LIKE . 0 AND SHIT AND THERE ARE WORDS ON THE GROUND... THERE WAS ONLY 1 MOD THAT DID THAT CALLED SUPER GAME CHEAT MOD 2004 OR SUMTHING LIKE THAT AND THE STASH AND INVEN AND SHIT WERE EXPANDED BUT ONLY WORKED FOR OPEN AND SINGLE PLAYER (( it was still expanded *the inven and stash* for closed but if u put ne thing in those slots u got dropped... and u take huge steps so u run faster as shit but every1 sees u run normal and the words were on the groud but the mod didnt help with drops or ne thing and i know this becuz i personaly made that mod so now go kill ur selves now to save ur asses the humilleation when u guys find out that this kid is rich as **** becuz he duped shit on d2 and sold 5x 6bo ctas for 20 bucks .... i didnt buy the dupe program yet becuz i dont got a credit card for one and i dont got enough money i didnt get payed yet >.< ne ways i believe bout the dupe mod but these newbs dont know wtf they're talkin about and that screenshot is fake btw >.< he ran fake.1.11 on it : ) y u think the 0 in the version is all ****ed up? lol ne ways ok imma go now have fun gettin rich man

o yea btw the kids s/n that makes the programs is Far221b he uses AIM (@OL Instant Messanger)
for some1 that programs, you grammer is HORRIBLE. and if you knew him personaly, why the hell would he charge you?

2. that is a simple photoshop editing. make it blury to cover up that you removed to 1's. ne1 with very little experience can take an image, remove 2 minor things, and reduce it is size to blur it.


Respected Member
Jun 15, 2004
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OG From '02
Have any of you that posted screenshots thought this might be on single player or open? Did you even think or did you say OMGIWANTDEUEP.


BattleForums Addict
Jul 23, 2005
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Huntington Beach
NothinButLuck said:
ROFL u newb are all retarded i know the guy personaly and im his frnd im him at Far221b he makes programs and sell it AND U NEWBS ARE RETARDED U CANT SELL FAKE SHIT ON PAYPAL PAYPAL IS BACKED UP BY THE GOVERNMENT IF U DONT GET WUT U PAYED FOR THEN U CAN SUE THEM U ****IN NEWBS OMFG LEARN PAYPAL B4 U ****IN RUN UR MOUTH ABOUT SHIT U DONT ****IN KNOW GD ****IN NEWBS.... AND HE SELLS EM FOR 50$ ALSO THAT SHIT IS FAKE THE PIC UP THERE ROFL UR A ****IN RETARD THATS ON OPEN LMAO BECUZ FOR 1 TYREALS MIGHT SACRED ARMOR DOESNT EXIST NE MORE ON CLOSED BNET IT WAS TURNED INTO TEMPLERS MIGHT ****IN IDIOTS AND THE VERSION IS ALL ****ED UP ITS LIKE . 0 AND SHIT AND THERE ARE WORDS ON THE GROUND... THERE WAS ONLY 1 MOD THAT DID THAT CALLED SUPER GAME CHEAT MOD 2004 OR SUMTHING LIKE THAT AND THE STASH AND INVEN AND SHIT WERE EXPANDED BUT ONLY WORKED FOR OPEN AND SINGLE PLAYER (( it was still expanded *the inven and stash* for closed but if u put ne thing in those slots u got dropped... and u take huge steps so u run faster as shit but every1 sees u run normal and the words were on the groud but the mod didnt help with drops or ne thing and i know this becuz i personaly made that mod so now go kill ur selves now to save ur asses the humilleation when u guys find out that this kid is rich as **** becuz he duped shit on d2 and sold 5x 6bo ctas for 20 bucks .... i didnt buy the dupe program yet becuz i dont got a credit card for one and i dont got enough money i didnt get payed yet >.< ne ways i believe bout the dupe mod but these newbs dont know wtf they're talkin about and that screenshot is fake btw >.< he ran fake.1.11 on it : ) y u think the 0 in the version is all ****ed up? lol ne ways ok imma go now have fun gettin rich man

o yea btw the kids s/n that makes the programs is Far221b he uses AIM (@OL Instant Messanger)
Someone ban that noob... Flaming like a mother ****er...
Edit: By the Way Tell me when someone actually bids for ur Method... I doubt that though.. Unless ur lucky and You get another wanna nerd just like you


Jul 28, 2003
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how many post do u see about ebay dupes and everyone ever bought is a scam?

search for it

they dont work stop searching for them on ebay


Jun 5, 2005
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Well someone had a bad day. Think about it. Im sure you used to be a dumbass mother****er back in the day. So give the rest a break. They are most likely on this forum because they want/need help (in diablo of course :p). I think tis dupe program is yet another scam though. There has never been a working one for closed b.net since .09.


Aug 1, 2005
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ok first of all if u buy somethign on ebay nd i know this cause i have done it times before the seller of the product must MUST and i meen MUST when i say MUST Ship or upload or w/e it is to the Buyer if they do not they will and can be sewed or how ever u speel it by the buyer of the product they had bid and won. so as u see it is ok to bid on things in eBay only one word dun spend to much tho u will go broke lol.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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NothinButLuck said:
ROFL u newb are all retarded i know the guy personaly and im his frnd im him at Far221b he makes programs and sell it AND U NEWBS ARE RETARDED U CANT SELL FAKE SHIT ON PAYPAL PAYPAL IS BACKED UP BY THE GOVERNMENT IF U DONT GET WUT U PAYED FOR THEN U CAN SUE THEM U ****IN NEWBS OMFG LEARN PAYPAL B4 U ****IN RUN UR MOUTH ABOUT SHIT U DONT ****IN KNOW GD ****IN NEWBS.... AND HE SELLS EM FOR 50$ ALSO THAT SHIT IS FAKE THE PIC UP THERE ROFL UR A ****IN RETARD THATS ON OPEN LMAO BECUZ FOR 1 TYREALS MIGHT SACRED ARMOR DOESNT EXIST NE MORE ON CLOSED BNET IT WAS TURNED INTO TEMPLERS MIGHT ****IN IDIOTS AND THE VERSION IS ALL ****ED UP ITS LIKE . 0 AND SHIT AND THERE ARE WORDS ON THE GROUND... THERE WAS ONLY 1 MOD THAT DID THAT CALLED SUPER GAME CHEAT MOD 2004 OR SUMTHING LIKE THAT AND THE STASH AND INVEN AND SHIT WERE EXPANDED BUT ONLY WORKED FOR OPEN AND SINGLE PLAYER (( it was still expanded *the inven and stash* for closed but if u put ne thing in those slots u got dropped... and u take huge steps so u run faster as shit but every1 sees u run normal and the words were on the groud but the mod didnt help with drops or ne thing and i know this becuz i personaly made that mod so now go kill ur selves now to save ur asses the humilleation when u guys find out that this kid is rich as **** becuz he duped shit on d2 and sold 5x 6bo ctas for 20 bucks .... i didnt buy the dupe program yet becuz i dont got a credit card for one and i dont got enough money i didnt get payed yet >.< ne ways i believe bout the dupe mod but these newbs dont know wtf they're talkin about and that screenshot is fake btw >.< he ran fake.1.11 on it : ) y u think the 0 in the version is all ****ed up? lol ne ways ok imma go now have fun gettin rich man

o yea btw the kids s/n that makes the programs is Far221b he uses AIM (@OL Instant Messanger)
some one dupe him
typing skills now or ritilin


Jan 28, 2006
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I can honestly say that I have never seen a demonstration of this program. It's easy for someone to say their hack is godly, but it could be a fake. When they sell it to you for over a hundred bucks, that's just ridiculous.


Jan 28, 2006
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wasup999999 said:
You just bumped a 5 month old thread, you must die... now!

jk, just dont bump threads or the mods will beat ur head in with a wrench...
oops my bad. i was googling for this topic so i didnt see the time it was last posted
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